We have a range of amazing Icelandic themed hats for sale, our newest addition to the family is the Northern Lights hat, which uses a bright thread that has an appearance that it is glowing.
Plus, our most popular, the Volcano hat. At the height of Iceland's volcano activity over the last couple of years this hat as sold out on multiple occasions and stocked at most of the main tourist attractions around Iceland.
We then have our Glacier hats which pay tribute to mother nature's gift to Iceland of free, tasty filtered water straight to our taps.
Finally, the first hat we ever create, the Viking helmet hat. Very popular for the kids who come to visit and want to wear a hat with style. It's harder to wear a Viking helmet out everyday, compared to a Viking helmet hat!
Icelandic Hat Company specialises in Icelandic novelty hats. We have a variety of different styles available including Northern Lights, Glacier, Volcano and Viking hats.
The hats are designed in Iceland and made in Europe. Icelandic Hat Company is based in Reykjavík and is a family run business owned by Auglýsingastofan Korter ehf.
Available to purchase worldwide here.

What if I want to pick up the hat order?If you are wanting to pick up from our office please purchase through our online shop and select 'Pick up' as delivery option. Details and instructions will be sent to you in your order confirmation.
Can we buy them in a store?Yes, different stores will stock different hats, the hats are in stock at these locations: Rammagerðin (Keflavík Airport) - KEF Eldfjallasetrið (Hvolsvöllur) - South Iceland Saga souvenir (Bankastræti 2) - Downtown Rammagerðin (Skólavörðustígur 12) - Downtown Lundinn/The Puffin Shop (Laugavegur 44) - Downtown Rammagerðin (Perlan) - 105 Reykjavík Lava Show in Vík and Reykjavík. If you are looking for a certain hat, it is probably best to order online in case the stores have sold out.
Do we ship worldwide?Yes! We ship worldwide. Purchase your hat now! You can select your destination country in the payment page.
How long does shipping take?Shipping within Iceland takes 1-5 working days. Shipping Worldwide takes about 2 weeks. We always aim to send off your order by the next day, it takes 1-2 days for the Icelandic Postal Service to process and ship out your order. We always add a tracking number/link to your order so you can keep track of your parcel. Note that because of COVID-19 there might be slight delays to you receiving your order. Please do not hesitate to contact us for help with your order.
How do I get the Free Delivery in Reykjavík?On the payment page you will be able to select which region in Iceland (Höfuðborgarsvæðið/Capital Region), after that if you set your address to Reykjavík you be will able to select Free Delivery offer. NOTE: The offer only works for Capital Region area. If the order is over the 15km radius you will have to pay the flat rate standard shipping of $10 USD that is set for Iceland.
What is the Returns and Cancellation Policy?We offer cancellation of order before we ship and a full refund. However, we do not offer returns on our products after your order has been shipped.
Icelandic Hat Company is owned and trading under Auglysingastofan Korter ehf.
Skútuvogur 6, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland
+354 552 5400


Reykjavík Capital Region area only

Shipping Worldwide takes approximately 2 weeks.

Our Customer Service team are available via Phone, Email or Social Media.